ICEL2HFX PowerPoints


OPENING PLENARY – The Story of Law Reform in Canada
Joseph Arvay, James Cowan, and Mona Gupta

PLENARY 2 – Empirical Studies: What Do We Know About End of Life Decisions Making Around the World?
Luc Deliens, Linda Ganzini, Bregje Onwuteaka-Philipsen, and Lindy Willmott


End-of-Life Issues in Canadian Prisons (Panel)
Adelina Iftene, Crystal Dieleman, and David Hooey

Dutch GPs’ Views on Good Dying and Euthanasia
Katja ten Cate

The Perils of POLST
Jean Abbott

To Live and Let Die. Withholding and Withdrawing Life Sustaining Treatment in Argentina: From Therapeutic to Judicial Obstinacy
Maria Ciruzzi

Adolescent Capacity to Refuse Life Prolonging Medical Intervention and Transformative Experience
Isra Black

Challenges in End of Life Care and Medical Assistance in Dying: Towards a Relational Ethics Approach
Patricia Rodney

The Shift Away from ‘Suicide’ Talk: Incorporating Voices of Experience
Phoebe Friesen

“Rock, Paper, Scissors” – Ideologies of End of Life Care for Older People in Hospital
Laura Green

The Cultural Construction of End of Life Issues in Biomedicine: Anthropological Perspectives
Betty Wolder Levin

PLENARY 3 – Palliative Care and its Relationship with Medical Aid in Dying
Kenneth Chambaere, James Downar, and Eric Wasylenko


Updating the Evidence about Physician-Assisted Dying and the Impact on Vulnerable Groups (Panel)
Margaret Pabst Battin, Bregje Onwuteaka-Philipsen, and Agnes van der Heide

Twenty Years of Experience with Physician-Assisted Death in Oregon
Linda Ganzini

Against Advance Directives for MAID
Hilary Young

Advance Directives Requesting Euthanasia in the Netherlands
Liselotte Postma

Should Medical Input be Required in Completion of Advance Care Directives?
Deborah Lawson

Should Assisted Dying Require the Consent of a High Court Judge?
Penney Lewis

Withdrawing Life-Prolonging Treatment from Patients in Vegetative or Minimally Conscious States in England and Wales
Celia Kitzinger

Fine Lines and Dr. Syme: Intention, Palliation and Death Causation in Regulation and Law
Malcolm Parker

Mapping Out the Implementation of Bill C-14 on Health Care Providers in British Columbia
Rafael Wainer

Ethical Issues: MAID and its Provision in Rural and Remote Settings
Fiona McDonald and Christy Simpson

Law Reform and Improving the Last Stages of Life: Preliminary Research Findings from Ontario Consultations
Ryan Fritsch

PLENARY 4A – Stopping/Not Starting Potentially Life-Sustaining Treatment: The Issue of Unilateral Decision Making
Jennifer Gibson and Hilary Young

PLENARY 4B – Palliative Sedation
Jocelyn Downie, Agnes van der Heide, and Joshua Wales

PLENARY 5 – Legal Status of Assisted Dying
Joan Gilmour, Emily Jackson, and Ben White


Medically Assisted Deaths on Vancouver Island – The First Year
Stefanie Green

Experiences of Patients and their Support People with Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada
Ellen Wiebe

Reasons for Requesting Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in Canada
Ellen Wiebe

Carter vs. Rasouli – Why was One Supreme Court Decision Right and the Other Wrong?
James Downar

Conversations About CPR – Professional Judgement or Autonomy?
James East

Medical Futility Dispute Resolution Options in the United States: Law and Ethics Fundamentals
Thaddeus Pope

The Evolving Role of Palliative Sedation in the Era of MAiD
Blair Henry

Reframing Hope: A Rehabilitation Perspective on End of Life Care (Panel)
Preya Tarsney, Debjani Mukherjee, and Gayle Spill

Consensus View on Assisted Dying for Dementia: A Delphi Study on Key Issues and Concerns
Aida Dehkhoda

Advance Decisions To Refuse Treatment: Explaining Low Uptake In England And Wales
Sue Wilkinson

The Notion Of Advance Directives: Headway Or Hazard?
Jean Abbott

Voluntary Assisted Dying: The Proposed Framework For Victoria, Australia
Deborah Lawson


A Year in Review: The Who, When, Why and How of Requests for Medical Aid in Dying in Quebec
Lori Seller and Veronique Fraser

Regulating MAID: The Medical Regulatory Perspective
Andréa Foti

Considering MAiD in Severe, Refractory Mental Illness
Justine Dembo

Are Concerns About Irremediableness, Vulnerability, or Competence Sufficient to Justify Excluding Psychiatric Patients from MAID?
William Rooney

Psychiatrists’ Views on Physician-Assisted Suicide and Psychiatric Patients: A Qualitative Study
Rosalie Pronk

The Under-Examined End-of-Life Option: Hastening Death by Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED)
Thaddeus Pope

Medical Assistance in Dying and Incarcerated Persons – Special Considerations?
Eric Wasylenko

Medical Aid in Dying for Mature Minors: Re-interpreting the Problem of Decisional Capacity
Kathryn Morrison

Patients with Parkinson’s Disease, Caregivers’, and Healthcare Providers’ Perspectives of Advance Care Planning for End-of-Life Care
Kim Jameson

Advance Care Planning in Australia: Aspirational or Practical?
Bernadette Richards

The Influence of Doctors in the Australian Assisted Dying Debate
Jodhi Rutherford

The Human Rights Implications of the Blanket Ban on Assisted Suicide in England and Wales
Stevie Martin

Trying and Dying: Are Some Wishes Better?
Oliver Kim

PLENARY 6 – Pressure Points for Eligibility for Medical Assistance in Dying (Mature Minors, Mental illness as Sole Underlying Condition, Advance Requests)
Christine Chambers, Jennifer Chandler, Justine Dembo, Jennifer Gibson, Joan Gilmour, and Kenneth Rockwood